Vector Solutions Offering

VSBIT Multi-Line sponsors online training for each member from Vector Solutions. This training has been created to assist with meeting mandates, improving workplace safety, increasing flexibility for Professional Development, and reducing claims. This is to help you get started with the Vector Solutions online training program.

Watch the recorded webinar to learn more here

Or check out our flyer here

In order to get started with the training program please email the following information to:, or call 1-800-434-0154

  1. Supervisory Union or School District Name
  2. Main Contact Name and Email
  3. VSBIT

Once you send in your information to the VS implementation team they will send you ‘Getting Started’ steps which include filling out an excel template for user information, appointing a lead Administrator in the system and reviewing the training documentation for setting up course assignments to get started.

Once everything is set up in the system you’ll move from the implementation team to the support team ( for day-to-day needs and assistance. We look forward to a great implementation and strong training year to come!

If you already have a subscription with Vector Solutions, the VSBIT courses have already been uploaded for you. Here is the discount arrangement in the VSBIT contract:

Discount for Upgrades – VSBIT Members will be eligible for the following discounts to other Vector Solutions products not provided by VSBIT:

  1. The remainder of the courses in the Vector Training, K12 Edition Staff Safety & Compliance Library and Vector Training, K12 Edition Staff Special Education Library not purchased by VSBIT shall be offered to VSBIT’s Members at a ten percent (10%) discount off standard retail pricing minus $1.85 per user.
  2. The Vector Training, K12 Edition Staff Diversity & Inclusion Library will be discounted by ten percent (10%)
  3. The Vector Training, K12 Edition Staff Facilities Maintenance Library will be discounted by ten percent (10%)
  4. Vector LiveSafe will be discounted by ten percent (10%)